A new celebration
Of the Life of Christ
Yet Shall He Live is new composition by Timothy Max. The work focuses on the final week of the Savior’s life, with movements centered around the key events: the Triumphal Entry, Last Supper, Gethsemane, Trial, Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension. The work is written for solo voices, SATB choir and full orchestra, and may be performed in it’s entirety or as individual movements.
Not all movements are available at this time. Listen to available recordings below, or click on the title to view the download page.
1. Triumphal Entry: Blessed is the King
2. The Last Supper: Servant of Them All • A New Commandment
3. Gethsemane: As Thou Wilt
4. Trial & Crucifixion: Lamb of God in Glorious Descension
5. Resurrection: Out of the Tomb
6. Ascension: Yet Shall He Live