Out of the Tomb

About This Song

Words: Amber Brown, b. 1981
Music: Timothy Max, b. 1979


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This piece is a simple four-part hymn, written in the style of hymn singing (homophonic), with a heartfelt Easter message by lyricist, Amber Brown.


  1. Out of the tomb the Christ arose,
    Reaching beyond mortality.
    Casting behind the linen clothes,
    By this great act, all men made free.

  2. Out of a grave no man had known,
    Loosing for good death’s awful bands;
    Bearing for good his vict’ry wounds
    Graven upon his feet and hands.

  3. Out of the dark and into light,
    Proving his love, his life, his word;
    Shining in glory, bathed in white,
    The Son of God, the risen Lord.

  4. Into our hearts thy Spirit send
    To move our stones of doubt and fear,
    That we may live through Christ, our friend
    And feel His presence ever near.