O Savior, Thou Who Wearest a Crown

About This Song

Text: Karen Lynn Davidson, b. 1943.
Music: English Melody
Arranged by: Timothy Max, b. 1979


SoundCloud Audio
(SSAA & Piano version)
Performed by a student ensemble at Brigham Young University-Hawaii.

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This arrangement uses the words for LDS Hymn # 197, O Savior, Thou Who Wearest a Crown, with the traditional English tune used in LDS Hymn # 284, If You could Hie to Kolob. Four arrangements of this piece are available:

SATB Choir & Piano
SSAA Choir & Piano
Vocal Solo & Piano (For Medium Voice)
Violin Solo & Piano


  1. O Savior, thou who wearest
    A crown of piercing thorn,
    The pain thou meekly bearest,
    Weigh’d down by grief and scorn.
    The soldiers mock and flail thee;
    For drink they give thee gall;
    Upon the cross they nail thee
    To die, O King of all.

  2. Thy sacrifice transcended
    The mortal law’s demand;
    Thy mercy is extended
    To ev’ry time and land.
    No more can Satan harm us,
    Tho long the fight may be,
    Nor fear of death alarm us;
    We live, O Lord, thru thee.

  3. What praises can we offer
    To thank thee, Lord most high?
    In our place thou didst suffer;
    In our place thou didst die,
    By heaven’s plan appointed,
    To ransom us, our King.
    O Jesus, the anointed,
    To thee our love we bring!