Jesus, Once of Humble Birth

About This Song

Text: Parley P. Pratt, 1807–1857
Music: Giacomo Meyerbeer, 1791–1864
Arranged by: Timothy Max, b. 1979


YouTube Video
Performed by The Brigham Young University-Hawaii Concert Choir, ​Michael Belnap, conductor; Matthew Brox, baritone. 

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One arrangement of this piece is available:

SATB Choir & Piano
Optional voicings

As options to accompany the choir part shown above, add any of the following combinations of instruments:

Optional Solo Accompaniment
Orchestral Accompaniment


  1. Jesus, once of humble birth,
    Now in glory comes to earth.
    Once he suffered grief and pain;
    Now he comes on earth to reign.
    Now he comes on earth to reign.

  2. Once a meek and lowly Lamb,
    Now the Lord, the great I Am.
    Once upon the cross he bowed;
    Now his chariot is the cloud.
    Now his chariot is the cloud.

  3. Once forsaken, left alone,
    Now exalted to a throne.
    Once all things he meekly bore,
    But he now will bear no more.
    But he now will bear no more.